Early education, architecture studies, and early w...
Chitra Vishwanath
(00:01:01) Learning experience at Kendriya Vidyalaya, (00:25:30) Working with Sarto Almeida in Goa, (00:39:15) Learni...
Childhood, and tales from two cities
Chitra Vishwanath
(00:02:33) When my father decided that his daughter will study architecture, (00:11:40) African culture and literatur...
Pursuing higher studies and advocating continued l...
Prabhjot Kaur
(00:03:19:30) Fighting insomnia with a strong reading habit, (00:05:33:30) Anyone can be trained to study architectur...
Insights and learnings as a woman architect
Prabhjot Kaur
(00:04:08:30) How wide does a door actually need to be, (00:14:10:30) How speaking in Punjabi and a vernacular knowle...
The journey towards advocating a more efficient hi...
Prabhjot Kaur
(00:12:38:45) Shortcomings of the Architect Act by the COA, (00:15:48:12) M.Arch in Architecture education and resear...
Childhood, early education, and career overview
Prabhjot Kaur
(00:13:29:01) Thinking about ground realities as an approach , 00:14:50:20) PhD on the gap between education and prac...
College Years
Veena Garella
(00:28:47:18) Advisor to the government of Chandigarh for the national design competition , (00:09:10:20) Made the fi...