Notable projects, clients, collaborations and infl...
Gita Balakrishnan
(00:08:30:30) Insights into working on residential projects in Bangalore, (00:11:28:23) Design belief of Gita Balakri...
Recognition and setting up learning initiatives
Gita Balakrishnan
(00:00:20:27) Working online, (00:10:30:45) Insights on architecture education and quality of university curriculums
Learning engagements, events organized, and settin...
Gita Balakrishnan
(00:01:46:08) Preparation for Quiz, (00:09:51:02) Preparation for the quiz in Bangalore, (00:13:10:23) Preparation fo...
Institutional engagements and gender in school
Gita Balakrishnan
(00:12:42:25) Young architects festival at Bhubaneswar, (00:25:02:21) First women architects conference by Brinda Somaya
College projects, technical and experiential learn...
Gita Balakrishnan
(00:01:25:15) Early inspirations of interest in quizzes , (00:16:55:45) Some values I transferred to Ethos
Early influence, architecture education and career...
Gita Balakrishnan
(00:03:50:18) Retracing nostalgic memories from Kolkata and finding inspiration through the quiz, (00:10:45:15) Const...
Childhood, architecture school, social work and se...
Gita Balakrishnan
(00:03:02:40) Gaining an internship abroad, (00:11:45:30) The differing gender participation in project designs and b...
Partnerships and popular projects
Madhu Sarin
(00:00:26) The journey of coming back to India, (00:11:02) Getting women involved in village meetings and rural devel...
Practice and nclinations
Madhu Sarin
(00:00:43) Setting up a collaborative practice with batchmates , (00:10:00) The time I let my hair down: the experien...
Formative years and early practice
Madhu Sarin
(00:01:33) Childhood in Shimla and being slapped by monkeys , (00:09:48) Thoughts on arranged marriage , (00:25:20) D...