Code: WH_OH_004_AUD_S2(C1)
Practice and nclinations
Summary:While talking about the short stint of setting up her architecture office, she details the beginnings of her six-month short journey with her co-partners, and the important projects the office took on in the early years. Remarking on her practice as a woman architect in the field, she recalls experiences she had in and outside the office. She shares her fondest experiences from working and training abroad and the relatively greater freedoms she enjoyed. She noticed her inclinations beginning to shift from architecture toward socio-economic planning and developmental issues after she moved to London from Italy on a whim in 1968. She first worked in the Public Works Department, then at an architectural firm, in order to financially sustain herself, and soon after, started her postgraduate study for which she raised funds independently. In the process, she made many instrumental acquaintances. On her tutors at college in London, she recalls the shift she experienced in the traditional teacher-student dynamics she was used to from back home. She mentions the collaborations and initiatives she participated in with groups in the many global opportunities offered then. She further speaks about her brief interactions with the Head of the Department at UCL, Dr. Otto H Königsberger. After her first year of study, she took on a job immediately to support herself. On returning to Chandigarh after receiving a research grant, she focussed her efforts on studying unplanned settlements, and urban planning issues, which were also later addressed in her book. The Department of Development grant research paved the way for her book, recommended in architecture school curriculums. She remembers the reasons why she decided to apply for the grant, the process that led up to her selection, and the book’s reception.
Madhu Sarin
Madhu Sarin
Ishita Shah
(00:00:43) Setting up a collaborative practice with batchmates , (00:10:00) The time I let my hair down: the experience of living independently and away from home, (00:23:47) The experience of studying at AA, (00:34:44) Receiving a research grant to study Chandigarh's planning