Early education, architecture studies, and early w...
Chitra Vishwanath
(00:01:01) Learning experience at Kendriya Vidyalaya, (00:25:30) Working with Sarto Almeida in Goa, (00:39:15) Learni...
Childhood, and tales from two cities
Chitra Vishwanath
(00:02:33) When my father decided that his daughter will study architecture, (00:11:40) African culture and literatur...
Notable projects, decision-making process & de...
Balvinder Saini
(00:01:31) Working on an entire project by myself, (00:07:30) The Commemorative Cubes’ project, (00:22:00) Challenges...
Architecture education, college projects & inv...
Balvinder Saini
(00:04:54) Housing in hill stations project and approach towards it, (00:06:40) Discrepancies in teaching habits of I...
Early influences, childhood, and Chandigarh city
Balvinder Saini
(00:00:56) My experiences of having witnessed the making of Chandigarh city, (00:09:26) Early impressions of architec...
Formative years, marriage and becoming Chief Arch...
Balvinder Saini
(00:06:10) My sister’s husband was a practising architect, (00:22:50) Produced a concept for Model Jail in 2 days as ...