Early education, architecture studies, and early w...
Chitra Vishwanath
(00:01:01) Learning experience at Kendriya Vidyalaya, (00:25:30) Working with Sarto Almeida in Goa, (00:39:15) Learni...
Childhood, and tales from two cities
Chitra Vishwanath
(00:02:33) When my father decided that his daughter will study architecture, (00:11:40) African culture and literatur...
Partnerships and popular projects
Madhu Sarin
(00:00:26) The journey of coming back to India, (00:11:02) Getting women involved in village meetings and rural devel...
Education and early interests
Madhu Sarin
(00:00:46) Growing up in Shimla , (00.01.55) My father was a lawyer and it was not for me , (00:03:09) Belonging to ...
Chandigarh city, it's modern history and present
Renu Saigal
(00:03:42:30) Design and construction prohibitions in Chandigarh city, (00:07:36:03) List of government projects work...
Government service - its challenges and learnings
Renu Saigal
(00:00:38:24) The life of an architecture process in government offices , (00:05:08:24) Exhibition for 50 years of C...
Discovering architecture and a passionate vocation...
Renu Saigal
(00:00:35) Life as the daughter of a Civil Servant, (00:05:43) Joining a government job in 1971 , (00:10:35) Taking u...